Expected delivery time is 2-10 business days depending on your location. Most of our items have free shipping. For those that don't - in order to check precise shipping cost, the chosen product must be added to the cart. All parcels are securely packed and sent by our shipping partners. Every parcel has its individual tracking number, which you will receive by email after placing an order. The tracking number can also be obtained through your account page, if you have created an account with us.Return Policy
If you change your mind, you may return a product within 30 calendar days of delivery and you will receive a refund. The product is eligible for return if it is in the original state and any included mounting systems etc has not been used. The product needs to be sent at the customers cost. The original shipping cost, if any, is not refunded. To initiate a return, please contact us at support@youhabit.com including in the email your order number, and we will provide you with the return address. Please write down your full shipping details on the package as per your order and put a note with your order number inside it. After we receive the package, we will contact you to confirm that your order has been cancelled. Your refund should be finalized within 10 days of cancellation, however, we will do our best to do it asap.Contact
Grev Turegatan 11A, 114 46 Stockholm, Sweden
+46 (0)8 525-171-42